I was listening to some of the songs in the Almost Alice album, and I realized there are really only a couple songs I might want to buy out of that. However, I'm also eying two albums, one by Breaking Benjamin and one by Dragonforce, that I might buy.. Perhaps I shall buy those two albums and use any leftover iTunes money to buy apps that will help me when I'm on my cruise in Europe.
When I first heard about the iPad, it seemed cool as a tablet, but otherwise a lot like the iTouch. However, there seem to be some pretty darn good apps for it out there, and it now seems more appealing.. I don't have anywhere close to that sort of money, though, so I'm fine, I guess. 'Sides, I have my iTouch.
Yesterday I went out and brought up my camera into this nearly 40 feet tall tree in my backyard. I didn't go all that high up (well, not high compared to how high I usually go) but I've been kinda wanting to do that for a while now. I got some nice pictures (I think) and I didn't drop the camera, so.. yeah. I might post some photos.
I used to roleplay a lot, although it was *cough* mostly on neopets, so I dunno what that really says. Now the only site I roleplay on is this one Warriors roleplaying site with a really good plot, called Starless. Lately I've been kinda lax about roleplaying there.. but tonight I've made like 5 new posts! Feeling good! :)
You linked to your Tumblr, yet you never post there anymore :(