Saturday, September 25, 2010

homestuck and civilization v!

so, first of all, Civilization V (aka Civ 5) came out on Tuesday. And we FINALLY got ahold of it. I'm installing it right now and expect it to be suitably epic. But I've been rather distracted from the whole thing today because of a certain webcomic...

No. Not Order of the Stick. OOTS is hilarious and one of the best webcomics ever. But that's just the thing, see. The time has come when I call OOTS 'one of the best' instead of 'the best'. Because in my mind, that top position has been claimed by..


It probably has to do with the apocalyptic plotlines, all the epic music (music is the way to my heart. it's true) and the whole of Hivebent, the troll plotline from act 5. mmmm.

Ah! Steam has finished downloading Civ 5! Time to play!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


so today my friend and I had an inspiration: we will {EDITED TO PREVENT FRIEND FROM SEEING} birthday parties! {EDITED TO PREVENT FRIEND FROM SEEING}! it'll be excellent. I won't say just all of what it will involve, because that might ruin the surprise for those real-life friends of mine that are reading this. you'll know if i'm talking to you. 8D

also, the amount of planning i've put into my birthday party this year may well be more than all the other planning i've put into all my other birthday parties combined. i am so excited! i would elaborate, but i have to go to bed now. two months, four days. ^_^