Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

Well, actually, Alabama is my dad's home, not mine. But anyhow. We got here around 6 hours ago, and the hotel has wireless Internet, so I've got no problem with that.

.. Anyways. We went here, so hastily and in the middle of the week, because of my grandfather. He has cancer and other things, I'm told, and he may not have much time left. My dad picked me up from school yesterday and told me we were packing. And it only took us about two hours to pack, and then we were on the road. We dropped off our dog, Chakotay, at my other grandma's house (and we stayed the night too.) Then we hit the road and I alternated between dozing and reading for the next 9 hours.

We got here around 4 or so in the afternoon. My grandpa seemed to be doing, well, okay; my aunt said that he seemed to be 'rallying', that this was the best he'd been since she got here on Tuesday. I'm glad he's not in any pain. After a while we left his room to give him some peace and quiet- my siblings had a hard time understanding that, I believe.

It's very convienient about how 'online' schools are now- I can very easily email my teachers at short notice (which this was) and ask for the assignments for the next few days. I got a load of science homework printed out, and I brought the textbook with me, but my science teacher said that I would be given a few day's slack. Which is cool cause I normally find her annoying. But anyways. I looked on my algebra teacher's teacherweb and it looks like we're doing various worksheets, which is too bad, since if it was textbook stuff I could use the online textbook. (Although I suppose she could've attached the worksheets for me to print out, if she had responded.) My theatre teacher responded kindly, saying that it was fine and that we'd work it out when I came back. My history teacher attached the review we were doing today and tomorrow; unfortunately, I only recieved his email today, well after the time that I was able to reach for my history textbook. I printed it out anyways, in the hope that I could do some of it from memory, but still. Oh well. My language arts teacher hasn't been here at all this week, but even though he was supposed to come back today, his teacherweb wasn't updated and he never responded to my email, so I have no idea what's going on there.

Sigh... Different subject. Gmail has this new thing called 'Google Buzz' or some such thing, and it's pretty cool. It's basically a combo of Facebook (without the games and apps) and Twitter (they even have the @reply thing going on) plus integration from Flickr and some other stuff, and, you guessed it, Blogspot! So, yeah, I'm hoping this will gain some views from more of my real-life friends. c:

One last thing is that I finally gave in and got this free app from the app store called BlogPress, which enables me to now post from my iTouch. In fact, this whole post is from my iTouch, which I think shows how good I've gotten at typing on this thing - though the autocorrect helps a lot.

I guess I should go to sleep now. Bye :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

Friday, February 5, 2010

Midnight Ramblings

Yay for rambling on when no one knows what you're talking about!! x) Although I actually only thought of the subjects for my next post yesterday at midnight. And it's actually only 11:51 here. But anyways. Let's just jump into the first one: I've noticed that I think best when I'm 'drifting'. When it's hard to tell quite what time it is; when you know there's still time until you have to get out of bed, or get wherever you're going, or something. To clarify: I think best in the early hours of the morning and in the late hours at night, as well as in the shower and on road trips. Odd, huh? I like to think of it - especially if we're on a road trip - in a way that specifies that when we're going someplace, we're not really anywhere at all, not that I can see. Just drifting.

Yeah.. Hope that didn't confuse you too much. On to the second subject: Do you ever wish that a certain story was true? (and I ain't talking about Twilight, so anyone who drools over vampires in their sleep, get out.) I know I used to wish stories were true all the time ; I remember being quite disappointed when I turned 11, and then 12, and never got invited to Hogwarts. All the same, sometimes the settings in stories seem a lot better compared to our mundane lives - even if you wouldn't get to be like, an adventurer, or anything. I mean, technology is great and all, but if we could have magic instead..

*shakes head* Look at this. I'm really a nonreligious person, and Order Of The Stick has got me thinking about magic. Although I suppose that wouldn't be too strange.. and if..

Yeah, I'm gonna go sleep now. I might post some actual relevant stuff tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

first term, middle term, last term. ft, mt, lt. F.M.L.

(Well, my life isn't really f***ed, but... anyways.)

You know what one of the worst things in school is?

Thinking you've figured some kinda hard thing out and thinking, 'Hey, this is easy,' and then coming to class the next day, checking the answers, and realizing that you'd got them all wrong.

It sucks. And now I feel real bad and even though it was just a completion grade, I feel like I have to redo that page. See, the thing about math (btw, we're talking about my latest algebra homework here) is that the things you learn build on one another, and if you don't understand one thing.. D:

I wonder if I'll have to go to tutorials. Maybe I'm a little bit prideful, but I've never gone to tutorials before. Gahhhhh.. this algebra is driving me crazy.

Um.. other news. Alright, so I ended up contacting TNT and providing them with the pw and other stuff to show that I own my fourth side account, rhalinae, and I was all nice and stuff, and then I asked for the birthday. Truth be told, I didn't expect to get an answer - I was expecting some automated message saying that they can't do that and that it sucks to be me. But it was nothing like that at all! They quickly responded with the birthday. Isn't that cool? I mean, I always expect the staff to be annoying, but I'm reminded that they're people too.. (:

Anyways, I got on that account, fed my pets, and then moved the next pet to my main account so it could go under the lab. Took a while, but - yay! Happy endings for all of us! Yeah, yeah, boring neopets stuff.

I'm getting back into the fanfic-writing groove. I'm starting on the second chapter of a somewhat outrageous story called The Elven Affair.. not that anyone reading this would be likely to know any of the characters. x)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

earphones and fanfiction and neopets oh my!

oh. my. gosh. earphones hate me.

Just on the 24th (about a week ago) I got some new earphones, because my old ones had broken (of course) and the ones they give you with your iPod/iTouch suck. The new ones were all nice and pretty and purple! purple's totally my favorite color. But anyways. Guess what. It's been all of one week and now no music comes out the left earbud. And I haven't been playing with them or anything (I usually tend to twirl them around my fingers, but this week I've refrained from doing so.)

Now, my last pair of earbuds were by the same people, and the same thing happened to them. Why did I get a new pair from the same people, you ask? Well, a) I had been seriously playing with them and stuff, so I figured it was my fault, and b) they lasted a couple months before that happened. Now if you think that might be annoying, you're wrong. It gets worse.

This happens to nearly every single pair of earbuds/earphones/headphones/whatever that I buy. It just never happened this fast before, so it didn't anger me this much. But also, check this: in Multimedia, I sit in the same spot every time, but the headphones usually get mixed up and stuff, so you just grab a pair of headphones. And almost always, I get a pair that only has sound coming out of one side.

I think I have a curse. (maybe it has to do with 222.)

Anyways, sorry for all the complaining, hope it doesn't make me seem bratty. How bout some other stuff?

I've been writing some of that (crack) OOTS fanfiction I was talking about in the last post. I haven't come up with anything substantial, but the others on the Crack Pairings thread on the OOTS forum seem to like my work so far, so I'm good! I also got a new sketchbook, and so far I've only done OOTS art (plus one crossover which had things from multiple genres.)

In theater we've all chosen our songs; me and my friend Destiny are doing No Air by Jordin Sparks (feat. Chris Brown). Some of the other girls keep making fun of the song, but I think it'll be good. I really should be listening to it now so I can memorize the lyrics better, but I'm listening to Soldiers of the Wasteland by Dragonforce instead. cx

Also: I don't really play Neopets anymore, I just check my messages every few days, but today I found out that someone had sent an application to give the robot bori I had up for adoption a home! I was really impressed, and I'm quite satisfied now. okay okay almost done with lame neopets paragraph! the bad thing is that one of my accounts (the fourth one, rhalinae).. well, i can't get into it because i can't get the birthday D: D:

so.. yeah. also, we're starting on some pretty hard algebra.. i was stressed about our homework today but then after a while i realized that it wasn't that hard. so i'm okay! (:

alright, done with this super long post. ;3