Thursday, March 11, 2010

cough cough

Don't you just hate being sick? I sure do (although I don't quite mind getting out of school.) My siblings and mother have been sick recently and yesterday we discovered that I had a 102 degree fever. I am still coughing and still have a runny nose, but I no longer have a fever or a headache. (Luckily there was never any throwing up involved.) I'm not sure if I'll be going to school tomorrow, but even if I'm not, next week is Spring break so there's not a high chance that I'll miss any more school. Which is good, cause I've already missed a substantial amount due to the Alabama trips.

*the following games I am about to talk about you have probably never heard of

A game I have been playing for many, many years: Heroes of Might and Magic, specifically Heroes III: Armageddon's Blade. It's very old, but it works on our XP (which I have christened the Game Computer, firstly because most of our games are installed there, secondly because a bunch of games worked on it that I didn't expect to. Me and my mom are currently playing a "hotseat" game of this, which we haven't done in a long time.

Another game that works on our two desktop computers (a Vista and an XP) is Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri, one of my favorite computer games (only topped by Civilization II: Call To Power.) It's like Civilization: IN SPACE! but it has a really good storyline and character. Incidentally, it's a game I first started playing one day that I was sick a couple years back. I was bored, on the couch, not feeling like I was going to throw up for once, so I grabbed the Alpha Centauri manual and read it (yes, I know, it's kind of weird) and then moved my blanket to the computer and started playing. I actually tried to play it once at the age of five or six, but the Mind Worms (which use psionic powers to stun their victims and then implant their larvae into.. okay, no need to get gruesome) scared me enough for me to drop it. I'm thinking of starting another game, now..


  1. Hi!
    Come check out my blog:
    i luv ur titl! min 2day would hav to be sniff, sniff tho! i hope u feel bettr soon! it suck to be sik! ;)

  2. Ooh I love the Hunger Games! xD Yeah, I am also hoping that I get better; it feels like my lungs are rebelling against me.
