Saturday, November 7, 2009

tumblr *which i keep wanting to call tumbler

stacia led me to this awesome monstrosity called tumblr. it's another blogging service, and it's pretty dang cool. you can make normal blog posts, and then there's pictures, links, quotes, chats, audio, and video.

anyways, so, I made one, and it's rad. i'm not dumping this one, though. c:

i'm feeling fairly lethargic today. i have some problems and stress regarding my birthday party, but that lethargy gives me the feeling of "oh heck it's too much work to try to explain my life ughh". so i won't try to talk about that.

um.. i'm really too tired to talk about anything else right now.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


All day, I have had this horrible pain in my neck - a literal one, and not a certain someone* being annoying. I don't think it was there right as I woke up, but by the time I was at school it was, and it just got worse throughout the day. To a certain extent, I can rotate my head normally, but if I move it rapidly, or tilt my head to the left, I get sharp pains. Tilting it to the right gets me a more minor version. After examination in the mirror and squeezing my neck with my hands, I have discovered that the left side of my neck muscles seem to be really tense. Also, my right shoulder seems to be elevated more than my left, and if I lift my left shoulder, my neck hurts.. huh. Because I try to keep from doing any of these things, I've been finding myself turning my whole body when I would usually turn my head, and holding myself weirdly.

Well, anyways, my friends said that it was probably because I slept in a weird position, and my mom concurs. So I can just cross my fingers and hope that it goes away when I go to bed; I happen to play a role in my Theatre class that we're presenting tomorrow that involves me falling down a lot.

*actually, there is no particular person of which I speak of. just a figurative annoying person who I prefer to this pain in my neck.

Okay, so.. in other, less boring stuff, my most recent obsession is with Order Of The Stick. OOTS is a Stick Figure Comic by Rich Burlew set in a world based on Dungeons And Dragons 3.5 Edition rules (an original world, rather than an established setting) centering around the adventures of the titular party. Trust me, it's Better Than It Sounds. I'm no gamer, though I know the basics thanks to Darths And Droids, but I still love it. It took me 4 days to read completely, and has a somewhat irregular update schedule, but I still love it. (It kindof amazes me to think that 2 weeks ago, I would be trying to advertise 9.)